Noah Gilmore

: UC Berkeley student, developer, musician. Sometimes witty.

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My Bucket List

Ambitious, subject to change, incomplete, based on this.

  1. Create something that touches 10,000 people. (January 20th, 2013)
  2. Create something that touches 100,000 people. (January 14th, 2015)
  3. Create something that touches 1,000,000 people.
  4. Receive a standing ovation. (May 19th, 2010)
  5. Deliver a college commencement speech.
  6. Deliver a TED talk.
  7. Be fluent in two languages.
  8. Be fluent in three languages.
  9. Skydive.
  10. Be involved in one transaction of over $100,000.
  11. Make $1,000,000 in a year.
  12. Run a marathon.
  13. Give $100,000 to charity.
  14. Wine tasting in Napa. (July 16th, 2016)
  15. Wine tasting in the South of France.
  16. Speak/perform in front of 10,000 people. (September 3rd, 2011)
  17. Speak/perform in front of 100,000 people.
  18. Visit 3 continents. (May 1st, 2014)
  19. Visit 4 continents.(November 20th, 2016)
  20. Visit 5 continents.
  21. See the sunrise for 7 consecutive days.
  22. Contribute to an open source project...

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Tables are hard

Let’s talk about HTML tables.

Here’s some code:

<table class="main">
  <colgroup><col class="votes"><col></colgroup>
      <p class="vote-desc">Some long name, really long, like really super long</p>
      <p class="vote-desc">Another long name, really long</p>
      <p class="comment">A really, really, really, really, really really really really really, really long comment.</p>

In this table, there are two main data cells: one with two vote descriptions and one with a comment. Assuming the outside of the table has a constrained width, what will be the widths of the two inner data cells? Check out this jsfiddle. Now, check it out with a longer comment.

When I came across this situation in a project I was working on, I expected the left column to set its own width...

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